Monday 11 June 2012

Triggers to Overeating - Part 3

A Summary - Strategies for Curbing Emotional and Overeating

  1. Separating true hunger from emotional hunger.  Before you put anything in your mouth, run through the previous exercise (see part 2 - 19/05/12 blog).  Eating is not going to make underlying feelings go away.  It is just a temporary way to numb you and give yourself a false sense of comfort.
  2. Plan for success.  Plan your meals and snacks before the day has started, so you know you are getting adequate calories and nutrition.  Therefore there should be no excuse to have unplanned meals or snacks.  Have healthy snacks (see Easy & Healthy Snack Ideas 19/5/12 blog) available and planned for the times when you may be vulnerable to eating.
  3. Know what foods and eating situations trigger emotional eating, and then work to avoid or minimise them.
  4. GET ACTIVE.  Not only because its burns calories, but makes you feel good, with that rush of 'endorphins' aids a positive outlook on life and reduces stress.  Always keep in mind the effects of exercising - feeling energised and healthy.  Now get off your bum and do something fun, be creative, be adventurous!
  5. Don't expect to be perfect.  Slips ups in eating are going to happen, after all we're only human!  Just think about what you can learn from it, put it behind you and move on as soon as possible.
  6. Create a safe nutritional environment at home - have plenty of healthy options on hand and don't keep junk food in the house.  Get rid of temptation.
  7. Tame your stress.  If stress contributes to your emotional eating, try a stress management technique such as yoga, meditation or relaxation class.
  8. Get enough sleep.  If you're lacking of energy or constantly tired you may be more prone to reaching for the wrong types of quick release sugary snacks.  Instead have a glass of water and if that doesn't perk you up have a short 10 / 15 minutes nap.  You'll feel much better for it.  Also try and get to bed an hour earlier than usual.
  9. Avoid isolation.  Being isolated leads to feelings of loneliness and depression.  The more you stay behind closed doors, the less you'll want to leave.  And the more you stay hidden, the more likely you are to eat.  And so you have the vicious circle that spirals and spirals till your out of control.  You must get out, make new friends, even if it feels uncomfortable.  Just do something to get yourself out of isolation.
  10. No matter what method you choose to stop emotional and / or overeating, it's important to realise that it CAN BE DONE.  There is HOPE and SUPPORT for you.  But you need to be SERIOUS, COMMITTED and DETERMINED to change.

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